1) Clean Up

Step 1: Find a local beach, marsh, salt pond, river or lake (they feed our oceans too).

Step 2: Fill a large trash container with any and all trash you can find.

Step 3: Properly dispose of all bags in appropriate containers.

2) Volunteer

Step 1: Find an ocean-related charity that deals with open water issues, marine life issues, contamination issues, or plant and coral issues.

Step 2: Give them at least 10 hours of your time

3) Donate

Step 1: Donate money to an ocean-related charity that deals with open water issues, marine life issues, contamination issues, or plant and coral issues.

Step 2: Donate at least $100.00

4) Create

Step 1: Research and pick 15 of your most favorite ocean creatures.

Step2: Send us your drawings or paintings of those creatures...we may even use your images on one of our next patches!

5) Call Out

Step 1: Think about what the 10 biggest threats are to our oceans...no cheating!!!

Step 2: Write em' down and send us the list. Let us know what you think the best solutions are!

6) Adopt

Step 1: What is your most favorite ocean dweller?

Step 2: Adopt and support one! Send us the confirmation, and a patch is on your way. Check our links soon for some options.

7) Write

Step 1: Think of an oceanic cause you care about...no matter where you live.

Step 2: Write a letter or sign a petition that will help make a difference. Send us a copy, and a patch is on your way!

8) Encourage

Step 1: Think about five of your best friends who would do you a solid.

Step 2: Convince them to spend some time with you doing something that is fun and good for the oceans. Send us a picture of you with your friends doing good, and patches for all!

9) Design

Step 1: Think about the needs of your local environment, and design a program or solution that would benefit it.

Step 2: Send us your plan, and what steps you have taken to make it a reality. Bonus points and extra goodies showing it in full swing!!!

10) Awwwww ♥

Step 1: Write a short story, poem, or epic novel about how much you love the beach and the sea. Sing it's praises, give it a big literary hug, and make it tear up a little.

Step 2: Send it! We will create a page to share some of the best, and if it ends up on the site, you will receive a special patch.